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Director of Marketing

Director of Marketing, Arnold Palmer Golf. Developed and executed strategic business plans for Arnold Palmer Golf’s corporate office and 27 managed golf courses and resorts. Managed the brand, directed the development of all marketing materials, advertising and publicity.  

Excerpt from: Bloodstained Butterfly, a dystopian novel for today

A vibrant red cardinal perched on the abandoned bird feeder is the first sign of life in years, but the hope in my heart dies when I see my horror and betrayal reflected in the drone’s robotic eyes…

Seeming to jump from today's headlines, this snapshot of the near future blends vivid prose with a dark dystopian mystery. After the 8th Variant of the Pandemic, global border closings, and a catastrophic financial crisis, the United States of America was taken over by a foreign power. New American citizens are monitored 24/7 and any sign of individuality is perceived as treason.

The government takes care of everyone. No one is out of work, and all children attend state-sanctioned boarding schools. Sarah and Sam are trapped in this isolated world without choice or hope, just like everyone else, but one day an irresistible proposal is offered. Accepting will buy them temporary happiness, family time in an idyllic setting—even a dog, a rare treasure when many animals are near extinction. But this extraordinary gift is not without cost. In a world where nature and privacy are extinguished for the greater good, what would you be willing to sacrifice for freedom and pleasure?

Feature writer

Feature writer/journalist for 50 national and local publications

Health, Lifestyle and Business Editor, special features, book reviews, weekly online columns.